WHO Representative meets with the cop 6 Mozambican delegates

WHO Representative meets with the cop 6 Mozambican delegates

Maputo, 09 October 2014- The Acting WHO Representative , Dr. Jacob Mufunda, met on  the  7th  October 2014 with the Mozambican delegates to the 6th Conference of the Parties (COP6) to the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco  Control (FCTC) to be held in Moscow, Russia, from the 14th  to the 18th  October 2014.

The meeting aimed to prepare a common position of the country at COP6. The consensus of the group was that the country should focus its position in Mozambique's efforts towards the ratification of the Framework Convention. Mozambique participates as an observer since it has not yet ratified this international treaty, which currently has 179 States Parties.

During the meeting, the status of the situation of the process of ratification of the FCTC in Mozambique was reviewed, as well as the challenges that the country faces in this process.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Justice, Health and members of the Mozambique Association of Public Health (AMOSAPU).

Para informações adicionais, por favor,  queira contactar : Telefone : 258- 21492733 ou moreirag [at] who.int 

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